Cross posted from Klickable.TV
I like to talk about the gaming concept mashed up with video a lot. I think that it's a great way to build engagement with your viewer, especially with online video. As we know, the video game industry is growing daily while Hollywood (sans Avatar) is shrinking. Furthermore, at the same time, video engagement rates (abandonment) decrease (increase) as the video plays on (from our friends at TubeMogul). We talked about using Klickable TV as a great way to captivate an active viewership that is front of their computer (active) by using a medium that traditionally has been passive (video). One such example is the easter egg hunt. I love the story about the film trailer that skews 30-40 female but once sent to 20+ year old guys that know that there is a hidden easter egg where they can win free movie tickets, their interest in the film increases greatly. We've also discussed creating different "versions" of the same video where a viewer can watch the "Joe" version and then if they want a different experience, they can watch the "Nick" version of the same exact underlying video. Shoot once, capture different audiences forever....(almost).
There are so many different types of gaming experiences that we can create with this platform and a reason why I'm reluctant to provide too too many examples. Once you see how others use Klickable TV you almost feel like this is the ONLY way to use it, which is definitely NOT true. However, I want to get your creative juices flowing and help you find the best way to use the platform that is in line with your goal. As we see from the Tubemogul article, audiences have short attention spans. One user recently put together a mash up of gaming with video using the Klickable TV platform. Their goal wasn't to sell anything, it wasn't to even build awareness; the goal of the video was to collect email addresses of people that they thought might be interested in their product and to have them watch the ENTIRE video from start to finish.
So what type of puzzle did they choose? Easter eggs are a great way to get repeat watches of a video but a lot of the success is based on where the hidden spot is located. If the spot is located near the beginning of the video, the rest of the video may or may not get watched (also dependent on how skillful the viewer is). They actually chose a "puzzle." The viewer had to find different pieces within the video and the sum of all of the parts yielded the answer that they had to send in via a form (with their email of course).
Did it work? You bet. They had ten pieces in the puzzle. And on average the number of clicks per view was 9.5. Pretty darn good. Email your success stories to info@klickable.tv
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